What are the pros of recycled polyester?

What are the pros of recycled polyester?

Yes, there are too many reasons why plastic is being deadly for the environment and, sadly, our planet Earth is already massively polluted with it. But the question that needs to be asked – what should we do with it and how should we solve the problem? Is it possible to recycle plastic, make something new and protect existing materials from ending up in the landfills? Yes, it’s possible and one of the solutions is to recycle plastic into polyester and reuse it in a textile and other industries.

Recycled Polyester is created from Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is derived from clear plastic bottles. PET in plastic bottles represents a pure and high-quality form of plastic because they are transparent and typically free from dyes.


What are the pros of recycled polyester?

  1. Diverting from landfills and oceans: It prevents plastics from being disposed of in landfills and oceans, while also giving the plastic material a second chance.

  2. Energy-efficient production: Research has shown that recycled polyester requires 59 percent less energy to produce compared to virgin polyester.

  3. Conservation of resources: Recycled polyester, made from post-consumer plastic bottles, diminishes the need for new resources, conserving non-renewable and finite materials like oil and natural gas.

  4. Comparable quality: Recycled polyester matches the quality of virgin polyester while using fewer resources. It can be utilized for various applications, including clothing, textiles, packaging materials, and more, without compromising performance or aesthetics.

  5. Prolonged lifespan of landfills: By diverting plastic bottles from landfills and transforming them into recycled polyester, the lifespan of landfills can be extended. This approach helps address the problem of overflowing landfills and the resulting environmental risks.

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